Friday, 3 August 2018

Thursday, 2 August 2018

Decimals games

Decimals game - BBC

Decimal game from the BBC in the UK. Enjoy!

Maths Mansion - Decimal Multiplication

Maths Mansion- Fractions of a number

Maths Mansion - Place Value (The BIG FAT HEN)

Percent - Percentimole on Maths Mansion

Rounding Numbers - great video for your Maths knowledge test.

Equivelent Fractions - another funny video.

Can you make a video on iMovie to teach a concept like this?

Decimals Hundredths & thousandths video...makes me laugh alot.

Why not make your own funny decimals video with a buddy or buddies or simply an Explain Everything based on this clip?
Get creative, 'the world's your oyster'.

How's your decimal knowledge and ordering?

Can you do an Explain Everything based on this video...go on it's only tenths.
Jump to 1:39 on the video for the game show.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Art - Collage Mixed Media Lesson

Think of someone or thing you'd like to draw to go onto your tissue paper collage background.