Sunday, 29 April 2018

Changing States Google Slide

Inquiry ( Science ) Change of State - Video

Maths Mansion - Hundredths and thousandths DECIMALS.

I love this episode! I don't mind you watching it during SSR/W time just for this week, not every day though!

Adaptedmind - I love this site too!!! Check out the maths lessons.

This link takes you to a Year 5 level, however, it's American so you'll need to concentrate because the videos are narrated in a strong US accent. They're still going to really excel your Maths learning. Do some every day.

Adaptedmind Yr 5 Maths lessons/games

You're going to be amazing Mathematicians.

Khan Academy Yr 5 Maths Page

Explore place value and decimals and addition/Subtraction on the link below.
Have a go at the quiz.
Depending on what you already know, the site will help you learn from your specific level. How cool is that?
I'll look into signing you all up as a class, but for now you can still get started.
You've also got E-Ako too, don't forget that. Year 5 LINK

This is a cool site...Khan Academy - decimal addition hundredths

Watch this cool video, then try another lesson to accelerate your Maths learning to another dimension. There's lots of fabulous learning on Khan Acadamy. I don't mind you browsing the site during SSR/W.
Happy learning.

Khan Academy 5th-add-sub-decimals/v/andding-decimals-with-hundredths