Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Algebra Videos

Great Maths Links

room15mbis.weebly - 

Amazing Maths Site check it out for free Maths time when you have completed your expectations.






Tuesday, 27 November 2018

The 'Cube Number Crew'

We've been investigating and making CUBE numbers. Do you know what 4 cubed is? If so you're doing really well with your maths knowledge.

Sunday, 25 November 2018

Maths - Algebra Games

Maths - Algebra Games Link

Try the following games and take some screenshots to put on your blog:

  1.  Bridge Builder
  2.  Circus towers
  3.  Hopper
  4.  Musical Number Patterns

Friday, 9 November 2018

Maths - Subtraction Algorithims explained very well indeed.

I love this video it really clarifies the 'borrowing' a ten aspect.  Go from 2:05 for exemplar question 135-27.
Algorithms are cool but when you have a Gloss test if this is your only strategy then your mental maths is very limited. So branch out and learn other mental strategies as well. Come and ask me if you don't know any othermethodss to solve this question and I'll show you at least two others in only 1 minute.

The Sun - (that reminds me where's my hat?)

Volcanoes - 3rd Video

How is Mr Mc doing ? Watch this video and please help me.

Let me know how your teacher is doing in relation to this video. If you don't 'get' (comprehend) the video don't worry because others including myself will put it in simpler terms.
I really want you to reflect on your teacher's practise this honest.  I can't improve without your thoughts. Maybe try and be honest in a kind way though, think about how you phrase your sentences.

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Earthquakes - What to do.

Earthquakes - What to do.

Design your information poster for tourists coming to this country who are not aware of such events.

Friday, 3 August 2018

Thursday, 2 August 2018

Decimals games

Decimals game - BBC

Decimal game from the BBC in the UK. Enjoy!

Maths Mansion - Decimal Multiplication

Maths Mansion- Fractions of a number

Maths Mansion - Place Value (The BIG FAT HEN)

Percent - Percentimole on Maths Mansion

Rounding Numbers - great video for your Maths knowledge test.

Equivelent Fractions - another funny video.

Can you make a video on iMovie to teach a concept like this?

Decimals Hundredths & thousandths video...makes me laugh alot.

Why not make your own funny decimals video with a buddy or buddies or simply an Explain Everything based on this clip?
Get creative, 'the world's your oyster'.

How's your decimal knowledge and ordering?

Can you do an Explain Everything based on this video...go on it's only tenths.
Jump to 1:39 on the video for the game show.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Art - Collage Mixed Media Lesson

Think of someone or thing you'd like to draw to go onto your tissue paper collage background.

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Hot Shots - Maths Percentages video...really helpful indeed.

All on Teacher Tools...remember you are 'learning how to learn'. Take ownership of your learning, you can learn as fast or as slow as you want. Nothing is stopping you from finding new learning avenues, especially in Maths. I've shown you :
Khan Acadamy
E-Ako &
Teacher Tools
With these three sites alone you could be a professor of Maths by the time you leave year 5! Go on AIM HIGH why not ?

Inquiry - What is Money ?

Make sure your page in your book is complete and to a Year 6 are not far off now.

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Clay pinch pot creatures - Movie

I love your pinch pot creatures.  

Please copy this video onto your own blog. A payment will be made via your bank account if you have done this next term. 

I also want you to copy the cup performance video onto your blog along with a short piece of personal voice writing about the show you put on during assembly (payment for this as well).

Assembly Cup Song Performance Term 2

Excellent performance everyone. I'm going to make your first payment into your Banqer account of $100 each for all the effort you put into the practising beforehand. You all well and truly earnt it.

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

More Art - optical illusion drawing tricks...give it ago and I'll display it.

Art - 3D Paper Sculpture

These look cool.

Here's our next sculpture lesson.
I've emailed the link as well.  I'll give you some coloured paper, however make sure you have an image in your head or on paper to work towards, a bit like a plan. Don't be wasting lots of coloured paper on mistakes. Why not do a rough scrap paper prototype, then you can make as many mistakes as you desire.

Happy face making.

Friday, 25 May 2018

Cup Song - Can you do this for 30 seconds or more?

Just keep rewinding it from 1:09 and practice, practice and more practice! I'm starting to crack it now.
If you can keep the rhythm going for a 30-40 seconds, I'll put you on the blog

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Wow...this is so cool. Give it a go and show me.

You'll need a 6B sketching pencil or better still he's using a charcoal pencil. He's also using an artists' putty rubber which you can shape into pointy bits.

Can't wait to see what you draw.

Cool drawing lesson for you to try.

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Multiplying & dividing by 10, 100 & 1000

This video really helped me to understand that it's not just about adding zeros to the end.  Watch and see, then copy the strategy. I can get you some clear plastic to write on like the guy on the video uses so effectively.

Multiplying by 10, 100, & 1000 - strategy explained.

This is a great slide show and really explains the multiplication concept very well. Please don't just tell me to add zero's... I'll need more explanation than this. 

Maybe if you feel like an expert you might want to produce your own 'Explain Everything' and blog it. Remember you'll need top quality learning to show at parent-teacher interviews. This could be something to show.

Sunday, 6 May 2018

Sunday, 29 April 2018

Changing States Google Slide

Inquiry ( Science ) Change of State - Video

Maths Mansion - Hundredths and thousandths DECIMALS.

I love this episode! I don't mind you watching it during SSR/W time just for this week, not every day though!

Adaptedmind - I love this site too!!! Check out the maths lessons.

This link takes you to a Year 5 level, however, it's American so you'll need to concentrate because the videos are narrated in a strong US accent. They're still going to really excel your Maths learning. Do some every day.

Adaptedmind Yr 5 Maths lessons/games

You're going to be amazing Mathematicians.

Khan Academy Yr 5 Maths Page

Explore place value and decimals and addition/Subtraction on the link below.
Have a go at the quiz.
Depending on what you already know, the site will help you learn from your specific level. How cool is that?
I'll look into signing you all up as a class, but for now you can still get started.
You've also got E-Ako too, don't forget that. Year 5 LINK

This is a cool site...Khan Academy - decimal addition hundredths

Watch this cool video, then try another lesson to accelerate your Maths learning to another dimension. There's lots of fabulous learning on Khan Acadamy. I don't mind you browsing the site during SSR/W.
Happy learning.

Khan Academy 5th-add-sub-decimals/v/andding-decimals-with-hundredths

Saturday, 17 March 2018

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Amazing play by the Snickets Readers Club. True Professionals.

What an outstanding performance. Next, you'll be performing all over the world...
New York, London, Paris, Sydney, Milan and even Mangere.

'The Blytons' Group are great readers. Good job you lot.

A great learning conversation this morning during reading time. Thanks Blytons group. Do any of you fancy being a postman or postwoman when you grow up?

A great learning conversation this morning during reading time. Thanks Blytons group.

I wonder how much posties get paid ?

Listen to Room 7's 'Billionaire Club'

Wow you guys and girls can read some pretty gigantic numbers. Imagine if you won this much on the Lotto. Don't forget your old teacher Mr Mc...half a million is all I want.

Monday, 12 March 2018

The Dahls read a play called 'Worm Fritters'. Great reading everyone you should have your own You Tube reading channel.

Great comprehension by the Dahls reading group.

That is a great microphone.

The boy's reading club by Cassidy and Mr Mc

We read 'Worms for dinner' from the School Journal Part 1 Number 5 2008.

It was illustrated by Lorenzo Van Der Lingen and written by Iona McNaughton.  We did a great job...well done Cassidy and Mr Mc. Hope you enjoyed it. Please leave a post or a comment for us to read.

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Great questions and answers this morning. Good job Dahls.

Great illustration from your text Caitlin.

You've included : 

A title 

The journal it's from 

Appropriate illustrations related to your text 

Very neatly drawn and colourful 

Also fully labeled. 

A vocabulary list ( you don't need lots ).

Monday, 5 March 2018

We wrote instructions for our 'Paper, Scissors, Rock' relay game.

Paper Scissors Rock Relay - Instructions

Fitness Game after morning notices.

Equipment required:

A double set of cones six different colours ie two of each colour.
Six teams with approximately 3 or 4 in each team.

How to play :

  1.  Establish your playing area
  2.  Organise the teams preferably with mixed boys and girls.
  3.  To be continued ...
For further instructions please see our individual blogs. 
They will have detailed instructions and maybe even some photographs or videos on how to play.

Hope you enjoy the game. 

More great subtraction strategies from the 36's club.

We worked well as a team here boys. Thanks for letting me join in your cool reading club.